Get out, and stay out. Sincerely, Chris’ sister
Read moreA Wakeup – Post Time

Well, I think I’m ready. Haircut, no shave, no two bits. Spoke to Doc Edy and he was so calming, it’s all routine and gonna go so smoothly, yeah! It…
Read more1 Day and a wakeup to go, fire drills today!

I feel like I’m ready to have my brain invader sucked out now! Can’t wait for the whole shebang to be done! Today turned out to be a very busy…
Read moreFor status updates, check me out!

Hi! Nicole has setup a Caring Bridge page to handle communications and status updates for the many friends, family, temple members, colleagues and anyone else interested in my progress through…
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Read moreGoing public, sort of…

A great gal, Geraldine has an expanded and humorous look at the whole brain surgery thing, at which is a great read for anyone who’s involved in any way with anyone…
Read more3 Days and a Wake-up!

Time is flying by, Thursday’s the big day for Doc Edy to clear my mind for me. Steroid meds are keeping me up at night, couldn’t get to sleep till…
Read moreThe Brain Game vs. Marvin the Alien

So I passed my MRI scan around, and my loveable crazy brother Dave sent me this back, what a hoot! Have to introduce Marvin to Haas Ararauna, maybe I’ll get…
Read moreMy brain, not on drugs

Ok, so I saw my best doc friend Edy yesterday. Got a picture of my tumor. This is an atypical meningioma, attached to and growing from the central membrane that…
Read moreCoincidence? I think not!

So we’re just finishing dinner, Nicole got PF Chang’s and they handed me a fortune cookie. Cracked it open and here’s what it said: So that’s not such a far-fetched…
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