Chris’ Head
<Lisa here. Posting again for my bruthuh without a tumuh cuz Chris is still getting used to that swimming pool inside his head. I took notes during our talk via Google Hangout, and so without further adoo and just a wee bit of filtering too…>
As soon as Chris gets out of bed,
his underwear goes on his head.
His wife laughs, “Don’t put it there,
a head’s no place for underwear!”
But near his ears, above his brains,
is where Chris’ underwear remains.
At night when Chris goes back to bed,
he deftly plucks it off his head.
When Nicole switches off the light
he softly croons, “more ice, more ice!”
And then, for reasons he has said,
his underwear is back on his head.
(with apologies to Jack Prelutsky)
This lovely new couture is for the ice packs that keep away the zoomers <among other things ☻ >. I wear it when I go to bed and occasionally throughout the day. Especially after I’ve finished my new head-bobble moves that my OT Pattie added to my exercise grooves (slow to the left, slow to the right, and if too fast then shite shite shite).
My PT Larry made me put on my own shoes today (and no help he gave). It took awhile, but it’s what I did. Then he made me walk out the backyard and to the front drive. Nicole came out with my Maui Jim’s because there was this big bright yellow ball in the sky that hurt my eyes. And then my PT made me walk on back the way we’d been.
I’m a good patient. I do what my OT and PT tell me to do. And I eat what gets put in front of me too. I am so full <… wait for it…> of thanks for the support and care, the visits and food from everywhere. It really makes a difference and helps keep me upbeat. We know this is a long recuperation, and that eventually all this attention will likely retreat. But even then, we are and will remain very very grateful for all these dishes. And that I’m not cooking anytime soon, because this food y’all are bringing is way more delicious.
Today my friend Gary brought Thai food and we had a great lunch. I even ate the dumplings, which I would have bypassed in the past. But now with my new super powers, I can’t help but munch!
Thanks go out to the Marshall High School folks who sent me a delicious fruit basket that included some gooda cheese and crumpets. I greatly appreciate the lack of sugary taunts, cuz you know, I need to fit into my clothes once I can get out of these underpants, er, PJs.
Pam was here today working for a couple hours, and when I awoke from my afternoon nap I sat with her on the porch. Then, Nicole came out to join us and she’ll beta test the Tip Sheets that Pam is preparing. Positek lives because of Pam’s caregiving!
Later on my BFF Hement came by to check on me. I’m sorry he wasn’t able to stay for dinner, but I really appreciated our time together. Precious time.
Along with my new found super powers, I’ve become a new-age sensitive guy. I have feelings, I realize. We cannot take for granted these precious moments together. Nor our sense of humor. Let’s always need to look on the bright side of life (♪ tee dee ♪ ta da ♪ ta dum ♪ de dum ♪ de dum ♪).
Laughter and love are truly the best medicine, along with a tasty meal and afternoon nap for prevention.

These are not the staples you’re looking for.
<Yawns> I’m almost ready for bed, and when I’m between the sheets I’ll let my new Pandora subscription send me off to sleep. <It was then a rousing discussion ensued, comparing Pandora vs. Google vs Apple iTunes. But then talk turned to politics, and we both agreed Ted Cruz needs to quit. More was said, you can be sure, but I’ll filter the expletives for sensitive ears.>
<Yawns again> I think now for me it’s my bed time.
<And please forgive his sister’s poor meter and rhyme.>
- Warning! Images in Post not for the Squeamish!
- FrankenChris – Uuuuuhn
Dearest Chris and Nicole: Leo and I have been out of the country following this fabulous blog and so grateful, as I am sure all your fiends and loved ones are, to have it to know how you guys ate getting along each day. Wow……inspired would be an understatement but also a true statement! I realize meals are coveted right now and visits sound somewhat restricted right now, as they should be. I would love to stop by and just want to know the best way to ask the question as to how or when to call Nicole to schedule. I want to jump on the food train when the need starts back as well. Mostly I want to send our love and hugs your way and tell you that you have always been one hell of a team but now…..a level above most! One day at a time and don’t forget to breathe :). Xox Debbie Levin Jardot.
Hi Debbie & Leo, I’m feeling pretty good and starting to look at a computer screen by myself! Thanks for the wonderful sentiments, anytime you are back in town feel free to stop by, please check with Nicole who’s my gate-keeper these days. We are so lucky to be together and getting through this ordeal together – and we are not only breathing, but smelling fresh flowers all the time now!
Uhh I mean nr meals are covered.. Not coveted 🙂
Love the tightey-whitey crown you’re donning Chris……and only your hairdresser knows if they’re boxers or briefs!
Thanks! It’s actually a dental cooling pack, like that worn by Marley in A Christmas Carol, with a couple of ice packs. I’m just wearing it on my head!