Hook ‘Em Up Doctor

Many months have passed and barely a word from Chris. But, I did talk with him a week ago and I must say he’s looking and sounding much better than last I saw him in June. It seems he’s been getting in on some neurotherapy, and he says it has really been helping. It’s quite a remarkable change. During our Google Hangout, he was thinking clearer and was a lot more energetic than in the past. He was up and about without that icepack on his head, and he was working on the computer, messing around with some stuff for Positek, and getting ready for his son to head off to college.

Chris is very enthusiastic about the book he’s been reading, written by the doctor who has been sticking those electrodes on his head every couple of weeks…


Why yes, Virginia, brain surgery is TBI. Thank goodness for neuro-science, and the curiosity and diligence of health professionals like Dr. Etsy. Not just for my brother, but for all those who’ve suffered/are suffering from traumatic brain injury.

Chris says he’s feeling like he’s finally getting back to himself after nearly a year of ups and downs.

It’s good to have my brother getting back to normal. Or, as normal as one can expect of a Gardner on the “ha” meter…
